Beard Transplant

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Saç Ekimi Sonrası Bakım Hakkında Herşey

Saç Ekimi Sonrası Bakım Hakkında Herşey Saç ekimi sonrası bakım, işlemin başarısının ve optimum sonuçların sağlanmasında kritik bir aşamadır. Ameliyat sonrası bakım, iyileşme sürecinin ve yeni ekilen saçların büyümesinin desteklenmesinde önemli bir rol oynar. Başarılı bir saç ekimi iyileşmesi için bazı önemli bakım sonrası ipuçları: Hekiminizin Talimatlarını Takip Edin: Hekiminiz tarafından sağlanan özel bakım sonrası talimatlara kesinlikle [...]

Saç Ekimi İyileşme Takvimi

Saç Ekimi İyileşme Takvimi Saç Ekimi Nedir? Saç ekimi, vücudun genellikle "donör bölgesi" olarak adlandırılan bir bölgesinden saç köklerinin alınmasını ve bunların "alıcı bölge" olarak bilinen, saçların seyrekleştiği veya hiç olmadığı bir bölgeye nakledilmesini içeren cerrahi bir işlemdir. Bu yenilikçi prosedür, daha dolgun saçlara kavuşmanın ve özgüveninizi artırmanın anahtarıdır. İyileşme Neden Önemlidir? İyileşme aşaması saç ekiminizin [...]

Organic Hair Transplant

Organic Hair Transplant Organic hair transplantation; It is a method in which stem cells prepared from the fatty tissue belonging to the patient are injected into the scalp. Thus, the area to be transplanted is revitalized. It is ensured that the donor hair follicle remains alive and the new hair that will grow is healthy. [...]

Healing Process After Eyebrow Transplantation

Healing Process After Eyebrow Transplantation After eyebrow transplantation, it is considered normal to form pinhead-sized crusts in the application area. Since these crusts will fall off quickly, they should not be removed. About 15 days after the application, the eyebrows begin to fall out and this process continues for about 3 months. A period of [...]

Before Eyebrow Transplantation

Before Eyebrow Transplantation The person to be treated is examined and the eyebrow design is made and the area where the eyebrow transplantation will be made is determined. It is clarified how many roots will be taken to achieve the desired eyebrow appearance. It is possible to obtain natural results and ensure patient satisfaction with [...]

Who Is Eyebrow Transplantation Suitable For?

Who Is Eyebrow Transplantation Suitable For? Unsatisfied with the appearance of his eyebrows, Those who want to remove deformities in their eyebrows, Those who want their eyebrows to have a thicker appearance, Eyebrows thinning due to various reasons or congenitally sparse, Those who have spills in their eyebrows, Eyebrows that have fallen out and have [...]

How Is Eyebrow Transplantation Performed?

How Is Eyebrow Transplantation Performed? During the eyebrow planting, the root area is shaved to remain 1 mm in length so that the removal can be done first. In order to purchase, the area with thin hairs at the bottom of the nape of the hair, which is more suitable for the eyebrow structure, is [...]

Eyebrow Transplantation

Eyebrow Transplantation When the eyebrows are in harmony with the other elements on the face, they provide an impressive appearance and play an important role in determining the characteristic appearance of the face. Eyebrow shedding is a condition that can cause aesthetic concerns, especially in women. Causes such as skin problems affecting the hair root, [...]

Healing Process After Unshaven Hair Transplant

Healing Process After Unshaven Hair Transplant The day following the unshaven hair transplantation application, the person can continue his daily life from where he left off. It is possible to hide the area easily by scanning the hairy area towards the treatment area.   After the unshaven hair transplantation method, care should be taken to [...]

How is Unshaved Hair Transplant Performed?

How is Unshaved Hair Transplant Performed? During the consultation phase, the person is informed about the procedure. The hair transplant line is designed. After the hair is washed, a special sterilization is applied to the hair. An area of ​​2 to 4 cm wide is shaved on the back of the head to be used [...]

Who Is Unshaven Hair Transplant Suitable For?

Who Is Unshaven Hair Transplant Suitable For? Unshaven hair transplantation is a method generally applied to women who do not want their hair to be cut for hair transplantation. In addition, it can be applied to people who have thinning in the hair area on the top of the head, and the sparse hair can [...]

Unshaven Hair Transplant (DHI)

Unshaven Hair Transplant (DHI) In the unshaven hair transplantation method, which is applied without shaving the front, side and top parts of the hair, only the donor area at the back of the head is shaved. It is a method that is mostly preferred to be applied to people with long hair. The long hair [...]

After Painless Hair Transplantation

After Painless Hair Transplantation After painless hair transplantation, the patient is expected to be careful about protecting the hair in the transplanted area. Patients should lie on their back for the first week following the application, and use the shampoo and lotion recommended by their doctor for two weeks after the first wash. In this [...]

Before Painless Hair Transplant

Before Painless Hair Transplant Before the painless hair transplant application, the patient is examined and the area to be transplanted and the date of application are determined. The blood tests needed before the operation are completed. The patient is asked to stop using alcohol and smoking 3 days before the application, and to stop using [...]

To Whom Is Painless Hair Transplantation Applied?

To Whom Is Painless Hair Transplantation Applied? Painless hair transplantation;   Very low pain threshold Afraid of needles, Having blood pressure and heart disease, Having anxiety disorder, It can be applied to people who have an intense fear of operation.

How Is Painless Hair Transplant Performed?

How Is Painless Hair Transplant Performed? Anesthesia in hair transplantation makes the process much more comfortable. In cases where local anesthesia with sedation will be performed, vascular access is opened to the patient with the help of a catheter. Sedative drugs are given through the catheter.   Using a micro-motor, the healthy hair in the [...]

Local Anesthesia in Hair Transplantation

Local Anesthesia in Hair Transplantation The main point of the painless hair transplantation method is this stage. In order to collect the hair in hair transplantation, the hair follicles should be cut and separated with the very thin skin around the hair using a micro-motor. In painless hair transplantation, anesthesia is applied before this procedure. [...]

Failed Hair Transplant

Failed Hair Transplant You may have chosen a hair center without doing enough research and found yourself in the hands of a non-specialist. You may be tempted by cheap prices, attractive advertisements or a luxury image hair transplant center. If the hair transplant was unsuccessful or the result is disappointing, our team can assist you.  [...]

Hairline and Filling Appearance After Hair Transplantation

Hairline and Filling Appearance After Hair Transplantation The most common reason for having a second hair transplant is that patients are not satisfied with the hairline created in the first procedure. Incorrect determination of the front hairline can cause the hair to be set too far back or have an unnatural shape. An experienced and [...]

Hair That Does Not Grow Again After Shock Shedding

Hair That Does Not Grow Again After Shock Shedding Although the hair transplantation process is performed as precisely as possible, newly transplanted follicles may go through a process called 'shock shedding'. Because when the delicate follicles are removed from the scalp and transplanted to another location, the scalp experiences a 'shock'-like trauma. This is completely [...]

Success in Hair Transplantation

Success in Hair Transplantation How many times you can have a hair transplant will of course depend on the amount of hair follicles to be used for hair transplant. Hair follicles to be used in hair transplantation are generally located at the back of the head, at ear level. This area is known as the [...]

Can Hair Transplantation Be Done More Than Once?

Can Hair Transplantation Be Done More Than Once? We know how life-changing and self-confident experience hair transplantation is. However, if you had a hair transplant when you were very young, for example in your twenties, you may notice that the areas of initial baldness gradually enlarge over time. In this case, while your hair in [...]

Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant Method

Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant Method In the Sapphire FUE technique, the channels in the area where hair transplantation will be performed are opened with real sapphire ore instead of steel tips. Sapphire tips allow the opening of smaller, smoother and denser microchannels than the steel tip in the planting area. Micro-opening of the channels minimizes [...]

Hair Transplant Methods

Hair transplant methods Hair transplantation methods and hair transplantation techniques may vary from person to person or may vary according to the transplantation area. Although the root removal method in hair transplantation is usually the standard fue method, the planting method varies. It can be used in more than one method, sometimes in a single [...]

What are the rotary fields that can be used for hair transplantation?

When is the implant done instead of the extracted tooth? In hair transplantation, the area where the roots will be taken is considered as the donor area. In these donor areas, of course, hair is preferred in order to be suitable for the transplantation area, and these preferred hairs are generally the back of the [...]

Beard Hair Transplant Period Begins

Beard hair transplant period begins Hello everyone, in our articles about hair transplantation, which we compiled from the questions we received, we will try to give you information about whether hair transplantation can be done from the beard, will the results be successful, or whether hair follicles can be taken and transplanted from another region [...]

Painless Hair Transplantation for Women

What should be considered in hair transplantation for women? The features that we, as the Hair Transplantation Center, pay attention to and care about while performing hair transplantation in women are as follows; Before hair transplantation, we can provide services to women, especially without hair transplantation, in line with their wishes, in accordance with the [...]

Is Hair Transplantation Done in Women?

What Causes Hair Loss in Women? Hair loss in women is much less than in men. Hair loss is less and there may not be male pattern hair loss in general. In women with hair loss starting from the front, which we call male type, hair transplantation is appropriate and the success rate is high. [...]

All Details of One-Year Hair Transplantation Are Here

First Day of Hair Transplantation: How long does the hair transplant take, how many days does the hair transplant take, or how much time does it take? There are many questions similar to these. We will try to give a clear answer to issues such as whether it is necessary to take leave from the [...]

How To Stop Male Pattern Hair Loss?

How To Stop Male Pattern Hair Loss? During adolescence, parents should not put too much pressure on children and should not increase the stress of children in adolescence with the already existing school, exam, future anxiety. Adolescents' blood values ​​should be checked and iron and iron-binding values ​​should be measured. If there is a deficiency, [...]

Male Pattern Hair Loss

Male Pattern Hair Loss As the name suggests, male pattern hair loss is the colloquial name for hair loss that usually occurs in men. It is the name given to the type of hair loss seen in men who do not have a medical disease and even there is no genetically familial baldness. Male 👨 [...]

Things to consider after hair transplantation

Things to consider after hair transplantation Now, we would like to tell you in detail the applications and suggestions that should be paid attention after hair transplantation ⛔️ that post-procedure care is very important. In fact, we can say that the care after hair transplantation is as important as hair transplantation. 1)As soon as the [...]

How should I prepare for a hair transplant?

How should I prepare for a hair transplant? 1)Smoking should be minimized, 2)If there is alcohol use, it should be interrupted at least 3 days in advance, 3)Since there will be no water contact for 3 days, you should take a shower and go to hair transplantation, 4)As a choice of clothing, you should go [...]

Things to consider before hair transplant

Things to consider before hair transplant 1)Before hair transplantation, a preliminary interview should be made with at least 3-4 hair transplantation centers, 2)It should be requested to plan the area to be transplanted and, if possible, to draw ✍️, 3)Donor area competence should be analyzed well so that the expectation after the procedure is not [...]

PRP Treatment (Platelet Rich Plasma)

PRP Treatment (Platelet Rich Plasma) Dermatology – PRP treatment; application is obtained from the person's own blood, plasma rich in platelet cells and growth factors is used. PRP can be used alone or in combination with other methods that renew the skin in the treatment of sagging, wrinkles, scars, acne scars and hair that require [...]

DHI Hair Transplant

DHI Hair Transplant DHI hair transplantation is a hair transplantation technique that provides a more natural appearance and quick recovery. If the area to be transplanted is small, the DHI technique is preferred. Hair can be transplanted without shaving. The healing process is faster.  

Women’s Hair Transplant

Hair Transplantation in Women Hair transplantation in women is a very popular procedure recently. Generally, unshaven hair transplantation is preferred. DHI technique is used because it is preferred unshaven. Since it is made with DHI, rapid recovery and natural appearance are provided.  

Pen Technique for Thicker Hair

Hair Transplantation with the FUE method is the latest technology without leaving any traces on the hair. "It is a method applied by existing doctors and clinics, and the pen technique is a hair transplant method that has just started to be applied and is becoming widespread, and it is a hair transplant technique that [...]