LEONART Polyclinic BAHÇELIEVLER, KADIR Has AVM B Blok 2. it is located on the floor.
Our outpatient clinic is located on a 220 m2 area and has 2 waiting rooms, 11 treatment,service and examination rooms. Our center has adopted maximum patient comfort and service understanding with its infrastructure and establishment. You can contact our outpatient clinic for information or examination on your desired subjects. Your questions will be answered by the relevant units within 24 hours.
You may not be able to breathe through your nose because of the tampons inside your nose. You should breathe through your mouth during this period. Your doctor will determine the length of time the tampons remain in your nose.
It is important to take enough fluids. The juice, water and light drinks you will sip will help to ease the dry mouth caused by mouth breathing a little bit. Do not use Reed. Eat soft, easily chewed foods. Use gel or lip creams to keep your lips moist.
Use only the medication prescribed by your doctor. Do not use Aspirin or aspirin-containing drugs or drugs that prevent blood clots.
If the dressings on your nose are standing, keep your head high so that you have at least two pillows while you sleep or rest. As much as possible, make sure to keep your head upright throughout the day; this will protect your normal blood circulation and help reduce swelling after surgery.
It is something that is expected to have some leakage through your nose. This will be pink / light red, but if there is constant red blood, you should tell your doctor by phone.
When you come out of surgery, you will have two layers of plaster and a splint on your nose. These are important for the protection of your nose as well as giving shape to your nose. Do not touch or break these dressings; they will be removed by your doctor within a week.
The small buffer under your nose may change as needed (or be removed and discarded if there is no bleeding).
Do not rub your nostrils or attempt to wipe the nose. Keeping your hands off your nose will be a good rule of thumb for you. Be careful not to bump your nose. Wear front-button clothing. Stay away from T-shirts and turtlenecks.
Brush your teeth carefully and use only a soft toothbrush. Do not shrink your lips or try to lift your upper lip more than you actually need.
Avoid pushing, bending, lifting heavy things (especially your young children), exertion exercises and sports for two weeks after your surgery.
Avoid direct sun exposure for 2-3 months.
When the dressings outside your nose are removed, you will notice some swelling and discoloration in the surrounding tissues. Your nose can be swollen. This will improve spontaneously over time.
You may feel lethargy at the tip of your nose and sometimes on your upper lip. This will disappear in a few weeks.
After 2-3 weeks of surgery, you can gently clean your nose 2-3 times a day using ear cleaning litter and tap water. Do not insert ear cleaning trash upwards from your nostrils.
Even after the tampons are taken, your nose will be blocked. This is the normal response of tissues to surgery. Do not attempt to snot your nose for a week. When you have to sneeze, snot, do it gently with both nostrils open. Do not use nasal sprays or drops. If you have to sneeze, sneeze with your mouth open.
Fatigue and weakness are quite common after the use of sedatives or narcotic drugs that you have taken throughout your surgery. You'll feel stronger in a day or two. Sometimes it can be insomnia. To help alleviate this, you may be given sleep medication during the first week.
Depression is not uncommon between 12 and 36 hours after surgery. The first appearance of your nose after surgery may surprise you. Remember that you have to be patient and realistic. Please note that your nose has undergone a surgical procedure and will improve over time and be much better. It may take 6 to 12 months for your nose to fully heal.
Once the dressings are taken, you can return to your normal business life (depending on the type of work you do). Make-up can be used to help hide small Berets.
Make sure you go to all of your post-operative appointments. These are essential for your doctor to monitor your recovery and the development of your nose, and for post-operative photographs to be taken to assess the development of your nose's appearance. Post-operative appointments are usually given 1 Week, 1 month, 3 months and 6 months from surgery.