Beard hair transplant period begins
Hello everyone, in our articles about hair transplantation, which we compiled from the questions we received, we will try to give you information about whether hair transplantation can be done from the beard, will the results be successful, or whether hair follicles can be taken and transplanted from another region other than beard 🧔.
In hair transplantation, the sources for the hair to be transplanted from people with insufficient donor area have been researched for years. As those who know us know, we have been doing beard hair transplantation for years. As an alternative, we wanted to write this article as there is a serious group that only wants a beard hair transplant.
Only beard hair transplantation can be done if the planting area is small. But the planting area is very important and should not exceed 1000 roots. Because an average of 1000 ç from the beard. root can be taken. This is not enough for a person who is completely bald 👨 . In addition, since the hair structure and beard structure are not exactly the same, we do not recommend it for areas such as the front of the head or temples. But if there is a demand, of course, an answer can be made.
In hair transplantation, the hair follicles to be taken from the beard should be for supporting purposes. And when planting in the planting area, we recommend and apply it to be mixed with the hair.
Especially those who need a regional transplant, that is, those who need hair transplant in small areas such as scars, stitch scars or hair breaker, can be transplanted from the beard and have very good results. But it should not be forgotten that only the beards in the under-chin area are used so that there is no scar in the beard, that is, on the face area, and a maximum of 1000 grafts can be taken and transplanted from this area.
Again, for those who have had a hair transplant in the first session but need a second hair transplant, an average of 2000 grafts can be taken and transplanted, especially from beard roots and chest hair, as a supplement. Of course, we recommend Sapphire FUE hair transplantation method as the best method in hair transplantation.