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Are There Any Side Effects of Glutathione Treatment?

Are There Any Side Effects of Glutathione Treatment? Glutathione therapy has no known side effects. Since glutathione is one of the compounds found in the body under normal conditions and the concentration of the compound present in the body is increased with treatment, no side effects are observed. For this reason, after the application of [...]

Glutatyon Tedavisinin Faydaları Nelerdir?

Glutatyon Tedavisinin Faydaları Nelerdir? Glutatyon tedavisi vücudu serbest zararlı radikallerden koruyarak vücudun savunma mekanizmasını destekler. DNA hasarına neden olabilecek reaktif oksijen türlerini azaltır. Reaktif oksijen türevleri, kanser, beyin hasarı ve iltihaplanmanın ana nedeni olarak kabul edilir. Ağrının etkilerini azaltır [...]

Glutatyon Tedavisini Kimler Uygulamamalıdır?

Glutatyon Tedavisini Kimler Uygulamamalıdır? Kanser tedavisi gören kişiler aktif olarak radyoterapi ve kemoterapi aldıkları sürece glutatyon tedavisi söz konusu değildir. Hastanın tedavisi tamamlandıktan sonra uygulanan glutatyon takviyesi ile vücut çok daha hızlı toparlanabilmektedir. Glutatyon tedavisi çocuklara, hamilelere ve [...]

How is Glutathione Treatment Applied?

How is Glutathione Treatment Applied? The most effective method to increase glutathione and to use it actively is to take it intravenously via IV (intravenous) route. In this way, Glutathione supplemented from the outside enters the bloodstream directly. Glutathione treatment is usually completed in 5 weeks, once a week. Each session is completed in approximately [...]

Glutathione Therapy

Glutathione Therapy Glutathione, which is naturally found in our body and known as the main antioxidant; It plays an important role in skin rejuvenation. In the absence of antioxidants such as glutathione, the loss of collagen in the body accelerates. By reinforcing the collagen needed by the body, skin elasticity and quality are increased. Wrinkle [...]

Closed Rhinoplasty

Closed Rhinoplasty It is a nose beautification surgery performed by starting with an incision through the nose. With this method, the cartilage at the tip of the nose cannot be fully seen. It is not preferred for nose tip corrections. The advantage of this method is that temporary numbness and edema at the tip of [...]

Open Rhinoplasty

Open Rhinoplasty Open Rhinoplasty is a nose beautification surgery performed by starting with a small incision from the tip of the nose. With this method, all cartilages at the tip of the nose are opened. Since the cartilages are visible, it is more successful to correct the nasal tip deformities. The middle wall of the [...]

Nose Curvature Removal

Nose Curvature Removal When viewed from the front, the nose is curved according to the general facial features. Nasal curvatures can sometimes be accompanied by chin curvatures. A detailed examination is required. Under general anesthesia, the curved parts are reached with the open rhinoplasty technique by surgery. The curved parts of the bone and cartilage [...]

Arched Nose Aesthetics

Arched Nose Aesthetics They are aesthetic surgeries performed only when there is a problem on the back of the nose. The bone and cartilage structures on the nasal dorsum are prominent especially when viewed from the side. In mildly problematic noses, the problem can be resolved with a simple rasping. In more advanced cases, the [...]

Nose Tip Aesthetics

Nose Tip Aesthetics They are aesthetic surgeries performed only when there is a problem at the tip of the nose. Problems at the tip of the nose are generally: the tip of the nose being wide and puffy, low, inclined, nostril asymmetry, appearance of the middle wall of the nose from the outside or a [...]

İp Askı Estetiği Neden Tercih Edilir?

İp Askı Estetiği Neden Tercih Edilir? Ameliyatsız yüz gençleştirme teknikleri arasında en etkili sonuçları veren bu yöntem sosyal hayattan kopmayan, kısa sürede uygulanan, cerrahi işlemlerin şişlik, şişlik gibi olası komplikasyonlarına yol açmayan modern bir uygulamadır. morarma sahip olanlar [...]

Spider Web Aesthetics

The Basic Principle of Spider Web Aesthetics Spider web aesthetics is a non-surgical face lift, revitalization and form-giving process. The fine lines that form over time due to gravity and advancing age, also begin to deepen due to bad weather conditions, unhealthy diet and frequent weight gain and loss.   This whole process causes not [...]

Burun Estetiği Ameliyatından Sonra İz Kalır mı?

Rinoplasti ameliyatı sonrası iz kalır mı? Rinoplastide kullanılan açık teknik, burun delikleri arasında küçük bir kesi açılarak yapıldığından, burun estetiği sonrasında burnunuzun bu kısmında çok hafif bir iz kalma ihtimali vardır. Yara iyileşmesi kişiden kişiye değişiklik gösterdiği için bu iz […]

Should Massage Be Done After Rhinoplasty?

Should massage be done after rhinoplasty? After rhinoplasty, massage applications in the form of one-way stroking along the back of the nose and from the wings of the nose to the corners of the eyes can be recommended to the patient. The logic of massage is the process of increasing the circulation in this area [...]

Does Asymmetry Occur After Rhinoplasty?

Does asymmetry occur after rhinoplasty? The cartilage and bone structures shaped during the rhinoplasty operation go through a healing process in which they fuse with the skin again during the healing process. During this process, a shrinkage occurs in the healing area. In this process, if the supports of the cartilage structures are not strong [...]

Burun Çökmesi Nedir?

Burun çökmesi nedir? Rinoplasti operasyonunda burun sırtını destekleyen kıkırdak ve kemiğin çıkarılması veya iyi desteklenmemesi gibi durumlarda burun sırtındaki şişliğin azalması ile ortaya çıkan bir durumdur. Burun çökmesi yaşanan durumlarda kemiğe kadar revizyon ameliyatları gerekebilir [...]

How Many Hours Does Rhinoplasty Take?

How many hours does rhinoplasty take? Nose aesthetic surgeries vary depending on the operation to be performed. If there is no septum curvature or other problems, the operation may take 2-2.5 hours. If only the tip of the nose is to be shaped, this process becomes even shorter. However, the duration of complicated surgeries such [...]

Can Rhinoplasty Be Performed Under Local Anesthesia?

Can rhinoplasty be performed under local anesthesia? Rhinoplasty surgeries can be performed under general anesthesia as well as technically under local anesthesia. While rhinoplasty is performed with local anesthesia, it should be taken into account that being awake may cause different problems. The fact that the patient is restless, afraid and the surgeon does not [...]

Can Septum Deviation Be Corrected With Plastic Surgery?

Can septum deviation be corrected with plastic surgery? The septum is the nasal cavity where we call the room, the front part is a covered section that consists of a small section and we call the room. Septum deviation, that is, this breath or bone piece in the middle of the nose is inclined towards [...]

Can Rhinoplasty And PProminent Ear Surgery Be Performed At The Same Time?

Can rhinoplasty and prominent ear surgery be performed at the same time? Rhinoplasty can be performed together with prominent ear and other facial aesthetic operations depending on the preference of the physician.

Estetik burun ameliyatı fiyatlarını neler etkiler?

Estetik burun ameliyatı fiyatlarını neler etkiler? Burun estetiği fiyatları yapılacak işlemlere göre değişmektedir. Yapılacak işlemin büyüklüğüne göre ameliyat saatleri de uzar. Sadece burun ucu yaptırılacak bir hastanın fiyatlandırması ile [...]

Burun Estetiği Operasyonu Sonrası Koku Kaybı Olur mu?

Burun ameliyatı sonrası koku kaybı olur mu? Rinoplasti sonrası geçici koku sorunları yaşanabilir. Koku alma hücreleri burun kemeri bölgesine yakındır. Burun kemerini keserek ya da törpüleyerek indirirken kokuyu sağlayan mukoza zarında ödem ya da hasar olması koku almada sorunlara neden olabilir. İçinde [...]

How Long Does It Take For Swelling And Bruising After Rhinoplasty?

How long does it take for swelling and bruising after rhinoplasty? Depending on the type of trauma in rhinoplasty, sometimes no bruising is experienced. Depending on the procedure, swelling and bruising may vary. The bruises begin to turn yellow within 1 week and become invisible. On the 2nd day after the operation, swelling and edema [...]

Is There A Lot Of Bleeding In Nose Plastic Surgery?

Is there a lot of bleeding in nose plastic surgery? Since millimetric procedures are performed in rhinoplasty, it is not desired to have bleeding during surgery. Trying to perform such sensitive surgical procedures for a bleeding nose may complicate the surgeon's work and increase the swelling and bruises after the operation. For this reason, techniques [...]

Can Those With Sinusitis Have Rhinoplasty Surgery?

Can those with sinusitis have rhinoplasty surgery? Although there is no problem for those with sinusitis to have rhinoplasty surgery; It is more appropriate for patients with sinusitis to be operated first after removing the conditions that cause sinusitis and can be corrected by surgery.

In Which Cases Should Rhinoplasty Be Performed?

In which cases should rhinoplasty be performed? Rhinoplasty is an operation that is applied both visually and in terms of health. In general, aesthetic nose surgeries are performed because the nose shape is not liked visually. Apart from this, nasal aesthetic surgeries are also performed to correct the deformity that develops due to trauma. Nasal [...]

Liposuction Surgery Frequently Asked Questions

Liposuction Surgery Frequently Asked Questions Can i get permanent and effective results with non-surgery methods? Liposuction is a procedure performed to balance the disproportionate body fat, although the person loses weight with the help of diet and sports. For this reason, liposuction should be applied to obtain permanent and effective results. Different methods have been [...]


Liposuction Fat Removal, Today we want to talk to you more about weight loss. We can fix it with liposuction and its types. But it is important to understand that liposuction does not solve the problem of obesity, it solves the problem of local fat deposits. We can remove about 4 liters of fat in [...]

Genital Estetik Ameliyatı Sıkça Sorulan Sorular

Vajinal Estetik Vajinoplasti ameliyatı sonrası normal doğum yapabilir miyim? Bu işlemden sonra normal doğum mümkün olabilir. Ancak çok daha acı verici ve zor hale gelir. Bu nedenle, işlem yapmayı düşünen kadınların gebelikten sonra yaptırmaları önerilir. Vajinoplasti ve labioplasti aynı anda yapılabilir mi? vajinal [...]

After Vaginal Surgery

After Vaginal Surgery It is important that the person stays in the hospital under daily observation after the vaginal aesthetic surgery in order to avoid any bleeding. Complete recovery is at the end of 3-4 weeks. The person should be very sensitive to avoid infection in the treated area. For this, they should prefer cotton [...]

Genital Estetik

Genital Estetik. Bu operasyonlar kişinin yaşam kalitesini arttırmak amacıyla hem kozmetik hem de medikal amaçlarla yapılabilmektedir. Gentital estetik operasyonları ile birlikte kadınlarda özgüveni arttırır ve cinsel yaşamdaki sorunları ortadan kaldırır. Kişinin cinsel organlarındaki fiziksel ve estetik sorunlar, kişinin kişisel kalitesini bozan [...]

Lipomatic Operation

Healing Process After Lipomatic and Liposculpture After lipomatic application (fat removal), it performs a perfect tightening by repairing the skin. A few hours after the application with this method, the person can easily go home and return to work within the same day. In applications to several parts of the body, the patient may need [...]

Lipomatic and Liposculpture

Lipomatic and Liposculpture Lipomatic and Liposculpture are applied with a vibrating device called Lipomatic, unlike the classical liposuction (fat removal) process. This process is the process of removing fat deposits with a tube and vacuum device and shaping the body. This method of application is the upper parts of the body, breast, abdomen, butt, hips [...]

Questions About Nipple Aesthetics and Post-Surgery Process

Questions About Nipple Aesthetics and Post-Surgery Process Nipple (areola) aesthetic surgery; It is a surgical operation performed to give an aesthetic appearance to the tip of the breast and the surrounding brown area. Nipple plastic surgery can completely eliminate the problems caused by the deformity of the nipple. It gives the patient a better image. [...]

Erkeklerde meme büyümesi veya jinekomasti nedir?

Erkeklerde meme büyümesi veya jinekomasti nedir? Sadece erkeklerde görülür. Jinekomasti olarak adlandırılan meme sorunu, kişilerin aynaya baktıklarında kendilerini ciddi anlamda depresif hissetmelerine neden olur. Jinekomasti işleminde vücut yağından fazla yağ dokusunun alınması sonucunda küçültme yapılır. Jinekomasti ameliyatı sonrası hastanede kalış […]

Meme Büyütme, Meme Küçültme, Meme Dikleştirme Ameliyatı sonrası süreç nasıl ilerler?

Meme Büyütme, Meme Küçültme, Meme Dikleştirme Ameliyatı sonrası süreç nasıldır? Göğüs ameliyatından sonra günlük bakım rutinlerinizi yapabilirsiniz. Kendi yemeğini yiyebilir ve tuvalete gidebilirsin. Eve döndüğünüzde 1-2 gün dinlenmeniz yeterli olacaktır. Göğüs büyütme ameliyatı olmayan bir işiniz varsa […]

Breast Aesthetic Surgery Frequently Asked Questions

Breast Aesthetic Surgery Frequently Asked Questions Is it possible to enlarge breast without surgery? It is possible to enlarge the breast without surgery. It is done by injecting the fat taken from the body of the person into the breast part with the technique called fat injection. It is generally applied to people who want [...]

Mezoterapi Nedir?

Mezoterapi Nasıl ve Hangi Bölgelere Uygulanır? Dermatoloji – Mezoterapi tedavisi, Belirli bir amaca yönelik hazırlanmış özel ilaçların mezoterapi iğnesi yardımıyla cilt altına enjekte edilmesi işlemidir. Mezoterapi tedavisi genel olarak estetik amaçlı olmakla birlikte sağlık için tedavi amaçlı da yapılmaktadır. Peki, Kim Olabilir [...]

Dermatoloji Ne Demektir?

Dermapen ve Dermaroller (Mikro İğne Tekniği) Dermatoloji bir cilt bilimidir. Bu işlemleri yapan kişilere Dermatolog denir. Dermatolog; Deri, saç, tırnak ve ağızdaki sağlık sorunları ile ilgili hastalıkları teşhis eden, tedavi eden ve takip eden bilim dalıdır. [...] gibi diğer birçok bulaşıcı hastalığın tanı ve tedavisini tanımlar.

Nose Aesthetics Frequently Asked Questions

Nose Aesthetics What is the age limit for nose aesthetics? Depending on the physical development, there is a certain lower limit for both men and women. While this limit corresponds to the age of 17 for women, it is determined as 18 years for men. There is no upper age limit and men and women [...]

Nose Surgery in Turkey

Nose Surgery in Turkey Turkey has proven itself in health tourism with its world-class services and raises the bar every year. If it is one of the most powerful aesthetic and plastic surgery operations in Turkey, we can say rhinoplasty, in other words, nose aesthetics. Especially in Istanbul, we have plastic surgeons who have proven [...]

Revizyon Burun Estetiği Ameliyatı Nedir?

Revizyon Burun Estetiği Ameliyatı Nedir? Bir veya birden fazla burun ameliyatı geçirmiş hastaların burun estetiği ameliyatından sonra burun şeklinin bozulması veya travma sonucu burnun şeklinin bozulması sonucu yapılan ek bir işlemdir. Bu operasyondan sonra şekli […]

Nostril Aesthetics

Nostril Reduction Your nostril is important in terms of health and aesthetics. Nostril reduction is very important for a quality respiration. The nostrils should have a certain opening and an oval appearance. For those who do not have a wide nose, tissue is removed from the part where the nostril meets the cheek and narrowing [...]

Nose Tip Aesthetics

Nose Filling If the person is only disturbed by the image at the tip of the nose, it is possible to perform only nasal tip aesthetics. If there is no problem such as a belt or curvature in the nose, it is applied to correct the aesthetic appearance with a small intervention to the tip [...]

Concha Surgery

Nasal Flesh Surgery It has an active role in the regulation of respiratory function. The structure of the nose meat, also known as the concha, provides the humidification of the air taken during respiration by heating. Concha disorders cause the person to experience nasal congestion.  Turbinates; It consists of two parts, bone and soft tissue. [...]


Cartilage Curvature Surgery The septum is the anatomical structure on the inside of the nose that divides the nose into two regions from the middle. Normally, it is necessary to divide the nose into two equal parts and to be able to breathe equally from both nostrils. However, in 70-80% of people, there is a [...]

How Many Different Methods Are There in Nose Aesthetic Surgery?

Rhinoplasty It is performed with 2 different methods as open rhinoplasty and closed rhinoplasty. Open Nose surgery is performed by making a small incision in the area between the nostrils. Closed nose surgery, on the other hand, is performed by performing the intervention in the inner region of the nose.  

Burun Estetiği Ameliyatı

Rhinoplasty Rhinoplasty surgery is the operation of reshaping the nose in the most appropriate way according to the person's facial symmetry, taking into account the expectations and demands of the person, after a detailed examination of the nose anatomy. Rhinoplasty is effective in the healing process of the patient's skin characteristics, the thickness and shape [...]

Brazilian Buttock Surgery Frequently Asked Questions

Brazilian Buttock Surgery Frequently Asked Questions ARE SEAM USED IN BUTTON AESTHETICS? Although it varies according to the method of butt aesthetics, sutures are generally used. Since the stitches used are removed from the most invisible point possible, there is no need for a different aesthetic operation after the operation. The fact that the sutures [...]

How is Brazilian Butt Lift (Brazilian Pop) Surgery Performed?

How is Brazilian Butt Lift (Brazilian Pop) Surgery Performed? In the butt lift surgery, the fat taken from other parts of the body such as the back, abdomen and hips is transferred to the hips. The removed fat is then purified and re-injected into the buttocks. The procedure is called a 'butt lift'. Because it's [...]

Brezilya Poposu Kaldırma

Brazilian Butt Lift Brazilian Butt; Reveals the general outlines of the patient. The focus is on defining feminine curves. It is inevitable that people's self-confidence will increase after the butt lift procedure. The questions we should ask for the Brazilian buttock procedure are as follows; Which is your body type? What is your dream body? [...]

Neck Aesthetics with Scarlet S Gold Needle Radiofrequency

Neck Aesthetics with Scarlet S Gold Needle Radiofrequency One of the most effective methods among non-surgical techniques is Scarlet S gold needle radiofrequency method. Radiofrequency is a form of energy. It is a radiation-free method. It provides controlled tightening in the area where it is given. One of the most frequently used areas is the [...]

Neck Aesthetics with Botulinum Toxin

Neck Aesthetics with Botulinum Toxin If the person's neck has wrinkles caused by the muscle we call platysma, but you do not have sagging skin or fat under the chin, botulinum toxin injections can relax the muscle, treat wrinkles and prevent their progression. This procedure is not an operation, it is an injection with a [...]

Neck Lift Surgery Options

Neck Aesthetics With Liposuction If the person has lubrication only in the jowl area, it is possible to remove these fats with liposuction, even without neck lift surgery. If there is also a looseness in the muscles under the chin, then the fat in this area can be removed and the muscles can be repaired [...]

Neck Lift Surgery

Neck Aesthetic The jowl has a personal characteristic significance. It is parallel to the chin. It should not appear drooping when viewed from the front. Sagging in this area negatively affects the entire facial expression. It is a condition that is related to weight problem and age. In plastic surgery procedures, neck lifting and laser [...]

Forehead Lift Surgery Frequently Asked Questions

Forehead Lift Surgery Frequently Asked Questions WHY ARE EYEBROW LIFT SURGERIES DONE? As age progresses, deterioration of the eyebrows occurs. This affects everyone. Mobility in the forehead area, drooping of the eyebrows and problems in the eyelids occur. The lines in the forehead area make your face look more angry, tired and unhappy than you [...]

Forehead Lift Surgery Process?

Forehead Lift Surgery Process? Brow Lift surgery takes 2-3 hours on average. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia. The patient can be discharged 1 day after the operation. At the end of the day, the patient can take a shower. After 2 weeks, the patient can return to work. After the surgery performed with [...]

Alın Germe Ameliyatı

Forehead Lift Surgery Forehead Lift Surgery, Eyes and eyebrows are the focus of facial expression. It is an area that is difficult to hide and wrinkles rapidly due to aging and excessive facial expressions. Generally, in patients over the age of 40, we encounter drooping of the temples and eyebrows, and deep wrinkles on the [...]

Penis Büyütme Teknikleri

Penis Enlargement Techniques While investigating the prices of penis enlargement surgery, it should be kept in mind that this surgery can be performed in many different ways in response to various problems in penis size. During penis enlargement surgeries, fat injection can be made, tissue can be added and special fillers can be used. These [...]

Penis Enlargement Surgery Prices

Penis Enlargement Surgery Prices Penis enlargement surgery prices are among the most researched topics in recent years. The penis shows both transverse and longitudinal growth in the erect state. The average length of an erect penis is between 12 and 15 centimeters. As the penis length, 12 cm is considered as the minimum length, sizes [...]

Burun ucu estetiği nedir?

Burun ucu estetiği nedir? Burun ucu estetiği, burun ucundaki kıkırdağın şekillendirildiği bir operasyondur. Burun ucundaki kıkırdaklara şekil verilerek burun ile dudak arasındaki açı artırılıp azaltılabilir. Burun ucu inceltilebilir. icra ederken [...]

Rhinoplasty (Nose Aesthetics). What is Nose Aesthetics?

Rhinoplasty (Nose Aesthetics). What is Nose Aesthetics? When we look at ourselves in the mirror or when we meet someone new, the nose, which is the organ that usually attracts our attention, has an indisputable aesthetic importance. In addition, since it is a part of the respiratory system, it greatly affects our breathing and quality [...]

Rinoplasti ameliyatı sonrası nelere dikkat edilmelidir?

Rinoplasti ameliyatı sonrası nelere dikkat edilmelidir? Burun estetiği ameliyatından sonra dikkat edilmesi gereken en önemli konulardan biri; Travmalara dikkat etmek, eğilmek, ayakkabı bağcığı bağlamak gibi baş bölgesindeki tansiyonu artırabilecek durum ve faaliyetlerden kaçınmak gerekir. Burnunuzu travmalardan korumak için […]

How should an ideal nose be?

Revision Rhinoplasty In art, the harmony of proportions between the parts of a whole has an aesthetic result. This ratio is mathematically referred to as the golden ratio. golden ratio; It is observed in many living creatures of the body and nature, such as the arm and forearm, between the adjacent finger bones. In rhinoplasty, [...]

Rinoplasti öncesi hasta nelere dikkat etmelidir?

Rinoplasti öncesi hasta nelere dikkat etmelidir? Burun ameliyatlarında çok hassas işlemler yapıldığından mümkün olduğunca az kanama olması arzu edilir. Burun estetiğinin en önemli kısmı kansız bir ortam yaratmaktır. Estetik cerrahi sırasında özel ilaçlar kullanılarak bu ortam oluşturulur. Ancak, durumlar vardır [...]

Burun ucu düşmesi nedir?

Burun ucu düşmesi nedir? Burun ile dudak arasındaki açının zamanla azalması burun ucu yüksekliğinin kaybı, burun ucunun düşmesi olarak kabul edilir. Özellikle septum cerrahisinde eğri kıkırdak burun ucuna yakın bir yerde bulunuyorsa ve bu bölge alındıktan sonra eğer […]

Is non-surgical rhinoplasty possible?

Is non-surgical rhinoplasty possible? Non-surgical rhinoplasty presents some problems in itself. The most commonly used methods in non-surgical rhinoplasty are as follows. nose filler It is a non-surgical rhinoplasty method that can be applied to inconspicuous nasal arches. Although it seems to be an advantage for patients who do not want to have surgery, its [...]

Burun Estetiği nasıl yapılır, ameliyatta hangi teknikler kullanılır?

How is rhinoplasty done, what techniques are used in surgery? In general, the techniques used in rhinoplasty are divided into two as open technique or closed technique surgery. Surgeries performed with open and closed techniques have advantages and disadvantages depending on the situation. open rhinoplasty; It is performed by opening a small incision from the [...]

Is there a season for rhinoplasty surgery?

Is there a season for rhinoplasty surgery? Nose aesthetic surgeries generally do not have a season. However, while it is a problem that the nasal plaster can loosen more easily as a result of sweating in hot weather, these problems are not experienced since the materials used in recent years provide air permeability. However, there [...]

Burun törpüleme operasyonu nedir?

Burun törpüleme operasyonu nedir? Genellikle kemerli burunlarda burun sırt yüksekliğini azaltmak için kullanılan bir yöntemdir. Burun estetiği ameliyatlarında kullanılan törpü ile burnun sırt yüksekliği istenilen düzeye getirilir. Burun kemerinin çok yüksek olduğu durumlarda fazlalık […]

Can plastic surgery be applied to arched noses?

Can plastic surgery be applied to arched noses? Turkey's nose structure is close to the Persian nose family. Usually, the complaints also come from the arched nose. In patients with an arched nose, after the excess of bone and cartilage forming the bridge of the nose is filed or removed, if the part that we [...]

Is there an age limit for rhinoplasty?

Is there an age limit for rhinoplasty? Since it is foreseen that the musculoskeletal system will complete the adequate development in rhinoplasty surgeries, it is expected that the bone development of the children will be completed. Rhinoplasty is based on the development of bone and cartilage structure, not age limit. However, prominent ear surgeries, which [...]

Revision Septorhinoplasty

Revision Septorhinoplasty A symmetrical face and a harmonious nose are considered the building blocks of beauty. In particular, the nose, in terms of its shape and structure, is one of the most important organs that make up this golden ratio. The common dream of many men and women is to have a beautiful and attractive [...]

Revision Rhinoplasty

Revision Rhinoplasty Revision rhinoplasty is an operation applied to patients who have undergone plastic surgery but complain about their nose structurally and functionally. In addition to physical problems, it is often observed that many people who have aesthetics do not have a healthy respiration. In nasal surgeries, it is easier to intervene in the anatomical [...]

Leg and Hip Aesthetics

Leg and Hip Aesthetics HIP AESTHETIC Hip and butt aesthetics; It consists of aesthetic surgical operations such as butt enlargement, butt reduction, hip lift, which are performed to eliminate aesthetic concerns. BUTTOCK LIFT SURGERY Butt lift surgery is performed with 3 methods. These; liposuction, fat addition and silicone prosthesis placement. Sometimes one, sometimes both or [...]

Is Jaw Aesthetics Right For You?

Is Jaw Aesthetics Right For You? Chin aesthetics; flattened chin, chin shift or chin size can be corrected. If you are concerned about the position, shape or circumference of your chin, jaw surgery may be a good option for you. Chin aesthetics is a widely applied plastic surgery procedure. Genioplasty can be applied to patients [...]

Kulak Ameliyatı Nedir?

Kulak Ameliyatı Nedir? Kulak cerrahisi veya otoplasti, büyük veya kepçe kulakların boyutunu küçültür. Otoplasti olarak da bilinen kulak ameliyatı, kulağın şeklini, konumunu veya oranını iyileştirebilir. Doğuştan var olan veya gelişimle belirginleşen kulak yapısındaki bir bozukluk otoplasti ile düzeltilebilir. Bu prosedür [...]

Is otoplasty right for you?

Is otoplasty right for you? Otoplasty is best for patients who are in good health, do not have active disease or a serious pre-existing medical condition, and have realistic expectations for the results of the surgery. In general, otoplasty can be performed at any age after the ears have reached (or nearly reached) their adult [...]


Filling As we age, the natural collagen and elastin in cells decreases because cells lose their ability to produce their younger components. The skin begins to dry out, become thinner and less self-correcting. When we are born, our bodies have an abundance of hyaluronic acid (HA), but as we age, HA gradually decreases, making it [...]

Sinüs Cerrahisi

Sinus Surgery Patients whose computed tomography scans show "permanent disease" can use the sinus surgery method. Patients who do not respond to medical treatment do not require surgery. Before applying for sinus surgery, it is necessary to make sure that patients have tried all medical and drug treatments. After all treatment methods, if there is [...]

Çene Estetiği

Chin Aesthetics Jaw surgery or mentoplasty is a surgical procedure performed to shape the chin by strengthening it with an implant placed on the jawbone or by reduction surgery on the jawbone. Plastic surgery and other non-surgical procedures can often be performed on the lower jawline and chin area to improve the proportions of the [...]

Revizyon Burun Estetiği Nedir? Nasıl oldu?

Revizyon Burun Estetiği Nedir? Nasıl oldu? Güzelliğin yapı taşları: simetrik bir burun, güzel bir ifade ve baştan çıkarıcı bir yüz. Bütün bu kriterler güzelliğin temeli olarak kabul edilir. Özellikle burun şekli ve yapısı itibariyle bizi oluşturan en önemli organlardan biridir [...]

Are arched nose, nasal bone or nasal reduction surgeries difficult operations?

Are arched nose, nasal bone or nasal reduction surgeries difficult operations? Rhinoplasty surgeries are generally not very painful surgeries. However, the most common misconception about rhinoplasty among the public is that rhinoplasty is painful. Because of the bruises and swellings that occur after the surgery, people believe that rhinoplasty operations are painful and troublesome operations. [...]

Is there a difference between male rhinoplasty and female rhinoplasty?

Is there a difference between male rhinoplasty and female rhinoplasty? There are aesthetic differences between the male nose and the female nose. The criteria for this are generally the angle that the nose makes with the lip. While it is 90 degrees in men, this angle is slightly more in women. That is, a woman's [...]

In which cases should rhinoplasty be performed?

In which cases should rhinoplasty be performed? Rhinoplasty is an operation that is applied both visually and in terms of health. In general, aesthetic nose surgeries are performed because the nose shape is not liked visually. Apart from this, nasal aesthetic surgeries are also performed to correct the deformity that develops due to trauma. Nasal [...]

How is Breast Reduction Surgery Performed?

How is Breast Reduction Surgery Performed? If you want to reduce your breast. Women with large and drooping breasts suffer from medical problems ranging from back, neck pain and skin irritation to respiratory problems due to the excess weight of the breast. Bra straps can cause deep marks on the shoulders. Very large breasts can [...]

Meme Estetiği Nedir?

Meme Estetiği Nedir? Meme estetiği, meme yapısına müdahale edilerek meme yapısının büyütülmesi, meme yapısının dikleştirilmesi veya normalden büyük olan meme yapısının küçültülerek kadınların ideal meme yapısına sahip olması için yapılan işlemlerdir. Meme estetiği günümüzde en çok tercih edilen estetik operasyonlar arasında [...]