Is non-surgical rhinoplasty possible?
Non-surgical rhinoplasty presents some problems in itself. The most commonly used methods in non-surgical rhinoplasty are as follows.
nose filler
It is a non-surgical rhinoplasty method that can be applied to inconspicuous nasal arches. Although it seems to be an advantage for patients who do not want to have surgery, its effects are not permanent. In cases with a nasal arch, filling the nasal root with filler material can make the nose appear flatter, and filling applications can be made in irregularities on the tip or back of the nose. Complications related to filling materials are among the risks of this technique, which should be shared with the patient. Although the reliability of the filling materials used today is better than in the past, the risks and surgical complications that may be encountered are not to be underestimated.
Nose tip botox
Botox can be applied intramuscularly to the tip of the nose, which is the junction area with the lip. As the muscle relaxes with the effect of Botox, a relatively high elevation is achieved at the tip of the nose. As with nasal botox, its effect is short-lived, but its applicability for each patient and its results in terms of patient satisfaction are at the discretion of the individual.