Sinüs cerrahisi başvuru koşulları nelerdir?
Evidence of chronic sinusitis even after aggressive medical treatment
Sinus disease caused by a fungal infection
Nasal or sinus polyps
Structural abnormalities of the nose or sinuses
Sinus infection that spreads to the bone
sinus cancer
chronic sinusitis with HIV
Types of Sinus Surgery
The most common surgical procedure for patients with chronic sinusitis is endoscopic sinus surgery. Operations used on the sinuses:
1. Functional Endoscopic Surgery: This surgical procedure uses a lighted tube called an endoscope to look directly into the nose and sinuses. During an endoscopy, the surgeon may remove tissue, clear the sinuses, and widen the sinus openings for drainage.
2. Balloon Sinuplasty: In this surgical procedure, an inflatable balloon catheter is inserted into the sinus and then the balloon is inflated to widen the sinus openings.
3. Open Sinus Surgery: In some complex chronic sinusitis cases, an operation can be performed directly on the sinus. Thus, the diseased tissue can be directly removed and the sinus can be reconstructed.